The 3 keys to Self-Motivated Students

After 10 years of running InFlow Education, I am often asked by parents why their child loves coming to our inner west tutoring centre at Five Dock, and is more self-motivated than they used to be.

In my motivation and study skills seminar for parents and students, I teach the 3 elements to self-motivation as detailed in the book, Drive, by Daniel Pink. The findings are based on decades of research on what truly motivates us and is a highly recommended read.

Firstly I can tell you what doesn’t work anymore. Sticks and carrots. Threatening punishment or fear about their future or dangling rewards are not long term motivators anymore as the human brain has evolved.

The first step to being self-motivated is Autonomy. Simply meaning, it’s your choice to do it. This is why we offer a free trial lesson and then only enrol students who want the tutoring. No exceptions.

We want students who are long term successes in life, not getting short term results from being “pushed”. This makes for a happier environment for tutors and students. Unlike school where students don’t have a say which teachers they have, our tutors only get to stay on with high performance based on student feedback. Their voices count and they have a say in what they want to focus on in their lessons.

The second element is Mastery. This means the focus is on improvement and enjoying the journey. At InFlow Education, we don’t measure success by where a child is ranked or against other students in a group, we simply measure success by how far the student has come in their time with us. When a young person is reminded of how far they have come in a short space of time, they have a strong sense of achievement and satisfaction.

Lastly is Purpose. It’s your big why. At InFlow Education, we don’t just tutor the subjects, we take the time to get to know our students and find what will drive them to do the weekly study required to achieve better at school. We talk to their values and remind them what’s in it for them.

A.M.P – Autonomy. Mastery.Purpose.

Why InFlow Education is a place young people love attending and making progress to being more confident people and closer to doing a job they will love.